22 Fun Ways to Get Paid Playing Video Games


Video games have come a long way since their inception, evolving into a multi-billion dollar industry with a global following. What was once considered a hobby or pastime for enthusiasts has now become a legitimate career path for many individuals. If you have a passion for gaming and dream of turning your favorite pastime into a source of income, you’re in luck. This article presents you with 22 exhilarating ways to turn your gaming passion into a profitable venture.

Become a professional esports player

Are you ready to elevate your gaming skills and join the elite ranks of professional gamers? Sharpen your abilities in renowned competitive games like League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, or Dota 2. Embrace the challenge, push your limits, and embark on the path to becoming a professional gamer in these thrilling titles. Professional esports players earn substantial salaries and compete in tournaments worldwide.

Livestream your gameplay on Twitch

Platforms like Twitch allow you to share your gaming experiences with millions of viewers. Imagine building a dedicated community of followers who admire your gaming prowess. By cultivating a loyal following, you open doors to multiple revenue streams. From earning through subscriptions, receiving generous donations, to securing lucrative sponsorships, you have the power to turn your gaming passion into a financially rewarding endeavor.

Create gaming content on YouTube

Start a YouTube channel where you can upload gameplay videos, tutorials, reviews, and more. Picture the possibilities as your gaming channel flourishes and expands its reach. Capitalize on this growth by monetizing your channel through a range of revenue streams. From lucrative advertising opportunities to forging valuable brand partnerships and boosting sales through merchandise, you have the potential to transform your channel into a thriving business that generates income from various sources.

Become a game tester

Game developers rely on testers to identify bugs, glitches, and other issues before release. By becoming a game tester, you can get paid to play video games and provide valuable feedback to improve the gaming experience.

Work as a game journalist

Combine your love for gaming and writing by pursuing a career as a game journalist. Write reviews, articles, and features for gaming publications and websites, and attend industry events to cover the latest releases.

Join a game development team

If you have a knack for creativity and technical skills, consider joining a game development team. You can contribute to the creation of video games as a designer, programmer, artist, or sound engineer.

Become a game coach

Unlock the potential to monetize your expertise and help fellow gamers level up their skills. If you excel in a particular game, offer your services as a coach and help others reach their full potential.

Participate in gaming competitions

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of competitive gaming! Step into the arena and join gaming tournaments where you can put your skills to the ultimate test. From local events to international competitions, there are numerous opportunities to showcase your gaming prowess and earn money.

Organize gaming events

If you have organizational skills, consider hosting gaming events in your local community. These can range from casual gaming gatherings to larger-scale tournaments, attracting participants and sponsors alike.

Start a gaming podcast

Launch a podcast focused on gaming-related topics, such as industry news, game reviews, and interviews with developers. Monetize your podcast through sponsorships and advertisements.

Become a game streamer on Facebook Gaming or YouTube Gaming

In addition to Twitch, platforms like Facebook Gaming and YouTube Gaming offer opportunities to stream your gameplay and engage with a different audience.

Create video game guides & walkthroughs

Gamers often seek guidance to overcome challenging levels or complete quests. Create comprehensive guides and walkthroughs for popular games and monetize them through ads or Patreon.

Sell in-game items & currency

Many games have in-game economies where players can trade or sell virtual items and currency. If you’re skilled at acquiring rare items, you can make a profit by selling them to other players.

Become a game influencer

Imagine the excitement of building a robust online presence, sharing your gaming adventures across popular social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. As your follower count climbs, you unlock the potential to collaborate with esteemed brands and unlock sponsored content opportunities.

Work as a game marketer

Help game developers and publishers promote their titles by working as a game marketer. Unlock your marketing prowess and dive into the dynamic world of gaming promotion. Take charge of crafting captivating marketing campaigns, skillfully managing social media accounts, and actively engaging with the vibrant gaming community.

Join a game localization team

Game localization ensures that games are culturally adapted for different regions. As a member of a localization team, you can contribute to translating and adapting games for specific markets.

Create gaming merchandise

Tap into the passion of gamers by designing and selling gaming-themed merchandise. Unleash your creativity and venture into the exciting world of merchandise creation. Explore a vast array of possibilities, ranging from trendy t-shirts and stylish hoodies to captivating accessories and must-have collectibles.

Write gaming eBooks

Share your expertise and knowledge by writing eBooks on gaming topics. Whether it’s a strategy guide, a history of a game franchise, or a collection of gaming tips, there is an audience eager to learn.

Host gaming workshops & classes

Share your gaming skills and insights by hosting workshops and classes for aspiring gamers. Teach them strategies, techniques, and provide guidance on how to succeed in the gaming industry.

Become a game sound designer

If you have a passion for music and audio, consider a career as a game sound designer. Create immersive soundscapes, compose music, and bring games to life through audio elements.

Work as a game reviewer

Numerous websites and publications rely on game reviewers to provide honest and detailed assessments of new releases. Share your valuable insights and personal experiences with a diverse audience hungry for your expertise. By engaging in freelance reviewing, you can express your opinions and provide in-depth analyses to a wide range of readers.

Create gaming podcasts or YouTube channels for parents & families

Cater to the growing market of parents and families who are interested in gaming. Offer content focused on family-friendly games, educational aspects of gaming, and tips for parents navigating the gaming landscape.

Get Paid to Play Your Favorite Game

The gaming industry offers a multitude of opportunities for individuals to get paid while enjoying their favorite hobby. Whether you aspire to become a professional esports player, a game tester, a content creator, or work behind the scenes, there are various paths to explore.

Choose the avenues that align with your skills and interests, and with determination, dedication, and a love for gaming, you can turn your passion into a rewarding career. So, grab your controller, fire up your favorite game, and start your journey towards getting paid to play video games.