What to Bring to a Job Interview: Essential Items to Bring for Success

what to bring to a job interview

Finding and securing a job can be challenging and highly competitive. It requires careful planning and effort, from obtaining the right education to searching for job openings both in-person and online. Job seekers invest a lot of time in researching companies, refining their resumes, and crafting compelling cover letters. Yet, even with all that effort, landing an interview is just the beginning.

Job interviews themselves can be very challenging. Many qualified candidates don’t make it past the interview stage simply because they don’t perform well during the interview. According to LinkedIn, some will reject candidates because of poor interview performance. This shows that being qualified isn’t enough; you also need to make a great impression during the interview.

The Importance of Planning for Interviews

Because interviews are critical, proper planning is essential. Thorough preparation can set you apart from other candidates and improve your chances of getting the job. Here are some effective ways to prepare for a job interview:

How to Plan for an Interview

  1. Research the Company: Learn about the company’s mission, values, products, and latest news. This information helps you tailor your answers and show genuine interest in the company.
  2. Understand the Role: Read the job description carefully to understand what skills and experiences are needed. Think about how your background fits the role, and prepare examples that highlight your qualifications.
  3. Prepare Your Answers: Think about common interview questions and prepare thoughtful responses. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers, making them clear and concise.
  4. Practice Interviews: Do mock interviews with friends or mentors to refine your answers and build confidence. Practicing helps you feel more comfortable talking about your experiences and handling unexpected questions.
  5. Plan Your Logistics: Know where the interview is, plan your route, and aim to arrive 10-15 minutes early. Check for any parking requirements or security procedures so there are no surprises on interview day.

Benefits of Being Ready for a Job Interview

  1. Increased Confidence: Preparation reduces anxiety and boosts your confidence, allowing you to present yourself better during the interview.
  2. Positive Impression: Showing that you’ve done your homework demonstrates to the interviewer that you are serious about the job and have invested time in learning about the company.
  3. Clear Communication: Being well-prepared helps you speak clearly and provide structured, relevant answers to the interviewer’s questions.
  4. Handling Unexpected Questions: Understanding your experiences and the company helps you handle surprise questions easily, showing adaptability and quick thinking.
  5. Improved Body Language: Confidence and preparation lead to positive body language, which can greatly influence the interviewer’s perception of you.

Taking the time to plan and prepare for a job interview can make all the difference. By being ready, you show that you are not only qualified but also engaged and professional.

Essential Items to Bring to a Job Interview

If being prepared is key to landing the job, here are the essential items you should bring to make sure you’re ready for your interview:

1. Copies of Your Resume:

Bringing multiple copies of your resume shows that you are organized and professional. The interviewer might not have it on hand or need extra copies for other team members.

2. Pen and Notepad:

A pen and notepad allow you to take notes during the interview. This shows that you are attentive and interested. It’s also useful for writing down important points or questions you have for the interviewer.

3. Pre-Written Questions for the Interviewer:

Preparing thoughtful questions in advance shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely curious about the role and company. It also helps you gather important information.

4. List of References:

Having a printed list of professional references with contact details and a brief note on your relationship with each person shows that you are ready and organized. You can provide it if the interviewer asks for it.

5. Emergency Items:

These items can help you handle any unexpected situations that might come up before or during the interview. Consider including:

  • Stain Stick: For accidental spills on your clothing.
  • Phone Charger/Cash: To keep your phone charged and have money for emergencies.
  • Compact Mirror/Deodorant/Breath Mints: For last-minute touch-ups to your appearance.
  • Band-aids: In case of minor injuries.
  • Makeup (if you use it): For touch-ups.
  • Snack: To keep your energy up, especially for long interviews.
  • Change of Shoes: For comfort if you need to walk a lot.
  • Sharpie/Nail Polish: For quick fixes on clothing.
  • Extra Shirt or Pair of Tights: In case of bigger spills or tears.
  • Bag or Briefcase: A professional-looking bag or briefcase helps you keep all your items organized and presents a polished image. It ensures you’re not fumbling through pockets or carrying items in an unprofessional way.

Wrapping Up: The Power of Preparation

By bringing these essential items, you can ensure you’re fully prepared and ready to make a strong impression during your job interview. Being well-prepared means not just having the right answers but also showing that you are confident and capable. Preparation helps you manage any unexpected situations and shows off your professionalism, which can really boost your chances of success.

Remember, getting a job isn’t just about having the right qualifications; it’s also about proving that you are the best fit for the company. Taking the time to prepare thoroughly and bringing everything you need shows that you are serious and organized. This kind of readiness can set you apart from other candidates and help you land the job you want.